Of Faithfulness, Perseverance, and a
Love for the People of the South Bay

We are ONE church with TWO parents meaning we are the product of two distinct churches from two distinct groups/denominations coming together to form one new congregation. One of our “parents” is the Church of the Brethren and the other is the Evangelical Covenant Church.

In September of 2008 Journey Covenant Church (JCC) was meeting in schools and setting up and tearing down their equipment every week. The congregation of South Bay Community of the Brethren meeting at 2761 W 190th St, in Redondo Beach decided to rent their facility to JCC. Quickly the pastors not only developed a friendship but also decided to start having services together. Fast forward to April 4th, 2012, when the churches signed a partnership agreement, borrowing from each name, and officially became Journey South Bay Church.
We choose to honor our past and tap into the values our “parents” passed on to us while at the same time looking forward and striving to become everything God wants for our church. We would love for you to join our family and be part of what we believe is a great story.