We live in an age of individualism and self-sufficiency, and yet, God never intended our spiritual journey to be done by ourselves and in our own strength. Instead, we are told repeatedly to live in community, develop friendships, and stir one another to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24-25). It’s not rocket science, but you do need to take some initiative and prioritize this in your life. At Journey South Bay there are three ways we encourage you to do this:
Sunday Services – It’s the one time our entire congregation comes together for corporate worship and learning. While we welcome you to join our online streaming service, we would encourage you to make it in person if you are able. There is really no substitute for in-person worship.
Special Events – Throughout the year we will plan church picnics at a local park, special Sunday evening communion services, beach days, or Christmas events… you get the point. In most cases, the primary reason we do this is just so we can hang out with each other. Don’t miss the opportunity to join us and build friendships.
Life Groups – These are typically groups of 8-15 that meet throughout the week to study the Bible, pray for one another, and connect and build friendships. Click the button below and our team will be sure to give you an updated list of groups you can join.